May 23, 2011

Phonics Poem- White Sheep

White Sheep

White sheep, white sheep
On a blue hill.
When the wind stops
You all stand still.
When the wind blows
You walk away slow.
White sheep, white sheep,
Where did you go?
-Christina Rossetti

Identify the sh- blends in the poem, then think about the words. Is the poet really talking about real sheep? Can you think about when else she may be talking about?

May 16, 2011

Phonics Poem- Twin Town

Twin Town

In Twin Town you'll find:
Twelve twins twirling twigs.
Twenty twins twisting.
Twin ladies in wigs.

Twin bluebirds tweeting.
Stars twinkling in twos.
You'll see everything twice-
even twin kangaroos!
-Kama Einhorn

Identify the tw- blends in the poem, when talk about other things you might find in a place called "Twin Town."

May 9, 2011

Phonics Poem- Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat
Off to trick or treat we go,
Trying to scare everyone we know.
Tracy and I and my dog Troy
(who really is such a nice boy),
traveling along a treacherous trail.
"This trio's trouble!" the neighbor's wail!
-Kama Einhorn

Identify the tr- blends in the poem, then think about the word 'trio.' What does it mean? Can you name things that come in threes?

May 2, 2011

Phonics Poem- There's a Hole in the Bucket

There's a Hole in the Bucket

There's a hole in the bucket,
dear Theo, dear Theo,
There's a hole in the bucket,
dear Theo, a hole!

Then fix it, dear Thelma
dear Thelma, dear Thelma.
Then fix it, dear Thelma,
dear Thelma, fix it!

With what shall I fix it,
dear Theo, dear Theo?
With what shall I fix it,
dear Theo, with what?

With straw then, dear Thelma,
dear Thelma, dear Thelma.
With straw then, dear Thelma,
dear Thelma, with straw!

Identify the th- blends, then sing this as a song with your parents. I bet they know the tune!